Apartment 11, Furnival House, 50, Cholmeley Park, London, N6 5AD


Great reasons to live in N6

  1. Beautiful green spaces: N6 is home to several stunning parks, including Hampstead Heath, which is one of London's largest and most popular green spaces, and Highgate Wood, which is a beautiful ancient woodland.
  2. Cultural landmarks: N6 is home to several cultural landmarks, including the iconic Highgate Cemetery, which is the final resting place of many famous people, and the Grade I listed Lauderdale House, which is a historic arts and education center.
  3. Great shopping and dining: N6 has plenty of great shopping and dining options, including the charming Highgate Village, which features independent boutiques, cafes, and restaurants.
  4. Excellent schools: N6 is home to several excellent schools, including Highgate School and Channing School, which are both highly-regarded independent schools.
  5. Vibrant community: N6 has a strong sense of community, with plenty of local events and activities to get involved in, including the annual Highgate Festival.
  6. Proximity to nature: N6 is close to several nature reserves, including Kenwood House and the Pergola and Hill Garden, which offer plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation.
  7. Excellent transport links: N6 is well-connected to public transportation, with several tube and bus stations in the area, making it easy to get around and explore the rest of London.
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